Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Deferred Responsibility

See, I knew I couldn't keep up the pace!
On Tuesday I have the pleasure and the priviledge to spend the day with student leaders in the Millard School District. Although it is still my summer break, I was happy to spend the time with students who have a desire to improve the school, the city, and themselves.
Anyway, the reason for this conference was because Millard is adopting a new homeroom curriculum (for lack of a better explanation). Actually, its not reserved for only homeroom, but it will be used throughout all classes and all staff members... ok sorry to bore you.
Its actually pretty exciting. It is all about ways to improve students lives through 40 developmental assets. Basically, the more of these assets that are in a kids life, the more productive they are in life, and the less the probability they engage in dangerous behavior.
Although I am really excited to begin this new program, it opens up some discomfort.
It reminds me of the whole "One City, One School District" stuff from a few years ago. Through that legislation and the actions of our beloved Legislature, the social issues of Omaha, from racial segregation and social classes were then placed in the hands of the education system. The legislature basically decided that the school would be the best people to fix our social problems... now, its an honor to be thought of so highly, but it wasn't until recently that schools were required to do more than just teach, and get kids ready to become fully capable citizens. Now, schools are required to teach discipline (yet we get yelled at for punishing students), sexual education, drug and alcohol awareness, and many other things that well, I thought should come from parents and other groups.
The same things are being trickled into the youth ministry. We are starting to offer a lot more things that used to be discussed by parents... or so I thought...
I am more than happy to help. That is what our ministry is geared for, getting kids ready to be fully capable citizens that want to live with a love for God, in a way that is pleasing to God.
But, I am somewhat second guessing myself though... maybe what we should be doing is empowering parents... maybe then students will go to them, instead of friends or poor role models. Personally, I find it a success if a student would talk with a parent before me, thats how it should be.
This is kind of a ramble I know... thanks for putting up with it, but I am just worried about what other responsibilities will be placed into the hands of others, instead of from where they belong...

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